首頁 > 圓鋼知識 > 德標ST52無縫管是什么材質.相當于國內什么鋼管?圓鋼知識
日期:2018/6/13 14:56:41 人氣:21 標簽:
st52相當于Q345B,或者16mn化學成分如下:Chemical compositionC <=0.20 Si <=0.55 Mn <=1.60 P <=0.030 S <=0.030 Cu <=0.55 N <=0.015Material Number1.0553Steel groupNon a15cr1movg合金管" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0); text-decoration: underline;">15cr1movg合金管lloy quality steels: Steels with average C > 0,25 < 0,55 % or Rm > 500 < 700 N/mm²SymbolS355J0; St 52-3 U †StandardsDIN EN 10025-2 (04/2005)Hot rolled products of structural steels. Technical delivery conditions for non-alloy structural steels.International conformityEN 10025-2 (2004)ReplacesDIN EN 10025-2 (02/2005); DIN EN 10025 (03/1994); DIN EN 10113-2 (04/1993)Way of deoxydation: rimmed is not permittedWith special cold workability: 1.0554; S355J0CFormer designation DIN 17100: St 52-3 UFormer designation of steels with special working properties,Cold flanging: 1.0573; QSt 52-3 UCold 合金鋼管" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0); text-decoration: underline;">合金鋼管drawing: 1.0597; ZSt 52-3 UCold roll forming: 1.0575; KSt 52-3 U
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